Stop Hiring a Coach (Maybe)

Coaching is the new hot thing.  Everyone has one, and everyone wants to be one.  But do you really need one?  And how do you find a good one?

From a self proclaimed coach…

All business owners need some level of consulting, strategic planning, financial oversight.  We all know this, it’s just that small business owners in particular are slow to let go of control.  We want to believe we can do it all, the marketing, the bookkeeping, the client development, the social media, the IT.  We’re controlling by nature and our business is our baby.  Not to mention we’re cost conscious about spending money on anything that cuts into our itty bitty salaries.  But the truth is that you cannot be good at everything.  In order to grow, improve efficiencies, develop cash flow and ultimately become multi-millionaires (which is why we all went into business) you have to be willing to ask for help.

So how do you know if you if you need a coach?  First, let’s say CONSULTANT.  Coach is a fluffy word that people throw around because it’s trendy.  If you are feeling stuck in any area of your business (see above list) or simply not generating the income you desire, consider hiring a business coach consultant.  You’re looking for someone with a specific background though, and here’s where you need to do your due diligence.  Anyone can proclaim themselves a business coach, but what skills do they bring to the table?  Psychoanalyzing yourself and taking ten personality tests is only good if you get actionable items out of doing them!

My own background includes working with businesses from start-ups to organizations with well over $10 million a year in gross revenue.  I’ve worked with businesses that have no employees and owners that manage a staff of over 100.  I have consulted across many different industries from health and wellness, to fitness studios and gym owners, boutique retail to construction and trades contractors as well as non-profits.  My depth of knowledge spans across this vastly varied experience with each different client and that means I am able to meld all those bits and pieces together for something that works for you.  Having that depth of knowledge to draw from means I have seen what works as well as what doesn’t and applied it in many different scenarios.  It means I’ve managed, hired, fired and lead teams.  My clients experienced an average of 19% sales growth in 2016 alone.  Additionally, I have built two of my own businesses which experienced over 295% revenue growth this year.  One traditional brick and mortar as well as one online network marketing business, which means I have the personal experience from the ownership perspective.  I feel your every ache and pain and I also understand what drives you and what is holding you back.  I have the ability to build your strategic plan as well as implement it, to coach you as the owner through the tough spots and to clearly define action steps to move you to the next level.

That’s the experience you’re looking for in a “coach”.  Why would you hire someone who hasn’t successfully built their own business?  Or someone who doesn’t have varied enough experience with other businesses to show a proven track record of success?  Or, my favorite, someone who doesn’t understand their own finances and bookkeeping?  Accounting and finance is the biggest area I find that business owners are lacking in skills and discipline.

Questions you should always be asking before hiring a coach consultant:

  • Do they have knowledge in your industry?
  • What is their experience with business consulting?
  • How many clients do they have?
  • How do they expect to be able to help you in your business?
  • What successes have they had in their own business (if a consultant can’t give you statistics on their own practice, we already have a problem)
  • Can I call your references?

Hiring a coach will not make you more successful than your competitors or help you reach your goals.  Hiring someone with a wide knowledge base who takes the time to understand you and your business and who has the skill set as well as business acumen to help you GROW, that will take your business to the next level.

Christine Gervais

Christine Gervais is a licensed CPA, using her skills to help businesses grow and achieve their fullest potential. Christine has a Master’s degree in accounting from Southern New Hampshire University in addition to holding her CPA license for over a decade. Notably, Christine is a nationally recognized speaker providing education to other CPAs on how to best serve clients as well as instruction on a wide variety of topics for business owners on how to maximize success. Christine prides herself on the value she can bring to clients with her extensive tax knowledge and provides strategic, forward-thinking financial strategies to help clients grow. When not behind her desk, you can find Christine spending quality time with her daughter and stepson or tending to the family’s excessively loved farm animals.

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